New website for Spectrum Community Health

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Spectrum Health Website Design

We’re delighted to announce the launch of the brand new website we’ve designed for Spectrum Community Health CIC. Spectrum Health is a not for profit organisation that delivers a range of community and offender healthcare services on behalf of the NHS, Local Authority Public Health services and a number of other partners. Spectrum Health wanted […]

How to improve your business ranking in Google

Local SEO company

SEO – or search engine optimisation – is the name for a range of digital marketing techniques which can be used to improve your business website’s rankings on Google. Here at Bluehoop we often use SEO as part of our client’s wider online marketing strategy simply because SEO nearly always delivers the greatest long-term return on investment. […]

Websites for manufacturing firms

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Websites for manufacturing firms

Different styles of websites used by manufacturing companies Manufacturing firms often present a paradox; there’s a long history of innovation in manufacturing to open new markets, but at the same time many manufacturers are using sales and marketing platforms that are well past their sell by date. (Think overseas sales agents and trade shows). It’s […]

5 Tips for keeping your website updated

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Tips for website blogs

A company’s website is one of it’s most  important online marketing tools.  Keeping your website fresh is a key factor in attracting new customers – and keeping existing ones. Here we explain why having an up-to-date website is important and some top tips to keeping it looking fresh and relevant.   1. Add a blog […]

We’re finalists in the City of Leeds Business Awards!

City of Leeds Business Awards 2015

We’re delighted to announce that Bluehoop have been shortlisted as finalists in the Best Digital & Creative category in the City of Leeds Business Awards 2015. This is a real pat on the back for us as the awards are designed to celebrate and recognise business excellence in the Leeds region. The awards are judged […]

Four top questions to consider when having a website built

Considerations when developing websites

So you’re thinking about a new website, here’s a list of a few initial questions which are worth thinking through before that initial meeting with a web design company.   What is the purpose of your website? Sell a product? Sell a service? Give visitors up to date news and reviews about an industry or […]

Are you ready for Google’s mobile-friendly deadline?

Google's Mobile-Friendly Website Deadline

Google has recently made a major announcement which means that from 21st April 2015 they will be favouring mobile-friendly website designs in their search results. This news means that businesses that don’t have a mobile-friendly website will be shown less in search results and therefore could lose out on new business. To avoid losing business to your […]

Website copy should sell the sizzle and not the steak

Selling the sizzle

Great website copy should never be seen as an optional ‘extra’ for your website and if you aren’t prepared to invest in good-quality website copy, even the most fantastic looking website simply won’t cut the mustard. Look at it this way: you wouldn’t buy an Aston Martin with a Ford Fiesta engine inside it, would […]

Social Media – Is it important for manufacturers?

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Social media

Studies show that many manufacturing companies still prefer to use traditional marketing techniques such as networking, trade shows and advertising to connect with their clients. However many companies still having misgivings when it comes to social media, believing it has no value in the business to business marketplace. Traditional marketing definitely has its place and […]

7 tips for writing blogs

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Writing a blog

New Years Resolutions for Bloggers. Every year we make them and occasionally we manage to keep to them. New Year’s resolutions often represent our best intentions, which somehow fall by the way side when real life kicks in and we get caught up in the day to day workings of our businesses. If you’re a […]