Website still not mobile friendly? – Google’s going to penalize your business

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Still not mobile friendly? - Google's going to penalise your website

The importance of having a mobile-friendly website has never been so critical. For the past few years it has been increasingly important for your website to be mobile friendly – so that it looks pretty on a smaller screen. However Google is now going to show people which websites are mobile friendly and which ones aren’t […]

5 Simple steps to manage customer complaints on social media.

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Customer complaint

Deny everything – admit nothing – blame someone else… not quite what we’d advocate when dealing with a customer complaint. No business, brand or product gets everything right all the time and negative word of mouth happens. Customers are increasingly using  social media as a  tool to get their voice heard. If someone does post […]

Bluehoop Digital helps Marsden Packaging revamp its online presence

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Marsden Packaging website design

New look website designed for Marsden Packaging Leading packaging company Marsden Packaging has appointed Ilkley-based Bluehoop Digital to re-vamp its online presence. Market leaders in contract packaging, Marsden Packaging’s new website is reflective of the company’s increased investment within digital as a result of strong sales growth. Bluehoop Digital will help build Marsden Packaging’s digital […]

Jomil appoints Bluehoop Digital to stitch up online sales

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Jomil logo

Stitching up the web Bluehoop Digital Limited has been commissioned to re-design the website of Jomil, a Bradford-based wholesale craft and sewing supplies company. Jomil have been a leading supplier to the craft and sewing industry for more than thirty years and now need a website to be designed which allows their retail customers to browse […]

UK Laws about selling online for business to business

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Cash refunds for online selling b2b

A client contacted us recently asking if she needed to give a refund to a customer who bought goods from her and wanted to return them. A lot of us are fuzzy in our understanding of this aspect of the law, and the consumer in us says ‘of course the customer gets their money back!’. […]

Writing a blog that people want to read

Vintage typewriter

If you’re serious about your business, then a business blog can be a cost effective and straightforward way to promote yourself. It’s a great way to access new customers and show your authority in your industry. Blogs are not only a great way to communicate with your readers, but the more content you have on […]

What impact will Scottish independence have on domain names

Scottish flag

Changing domain names It’s been a long time coming, but Thursday 18th September sees Scotland vote for or against independence.  If the yes vote wins, the political and economic pundits are suggesting that there’s going to be a mass exodus of businesses relocating south of the border. Here in search engine land at Bluehoop Digital however, we’re […]

New website for community arts organisation

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Blaize website design Ilkley

Community arts website to reach a greater audience We’ve launched a new website for Blaize, a Yorkshire based community arts organisation. Blaize already had a website but it didn’t fully reflect the scope of the activities that they were involved with and it didn’t allow any scope for interactions with their online community. Bluehoop Digital […]

How Remarketing can help your business

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Re-marketing Image

What is remarketing? Remarketing is a way of targeting specific people who have visited your site and showing them relevant ads as they browse around the internet. In fact you have probably been remarketed to yourself, you know, you’ve been looking at some great cycling shoes on Wiggle and now those shoes seem to be […]

Why responsive web design?

Responsive web design in Leeds

Remember going to a website on your mobile phone and having to take about three trial runs at hitting the right menu item? That’s because God made our fingers too fat to tap on tiny text on our tiny little mobile phone windows effectively. But visit a responsive website design on your mobile phone and […]